Rabbi Zidni Ilma

Rabbi Zidni Ilma Meaning, Arabic, Surah, Ayat and Benefits

Rabbi zidni ilma is a short dua for increase in knowledge. It is one of supplications from the Holy Qur’an. Learn the meaning of this dua in English, explanation and benefits.

Rabbi Zidni Ilma Meaning in English

Rabbi zidnii ilma means my Lord, Increase me in Knowledge. It is a request for Allah to grant the supplicant more knowledge and wisdom.

Here are other translation and meaning of this verse (Dua) in English:

  • My Lord! Advance me in knowledge
  • My Lord, improve me in Knowledge

All these meanings are correct. However, here are word by word meaning

  • Rabbi means My Lord
  • Zidni means Increase in me and
  • Ilma means knowledge.

You can make this supplication during your prayers or at any time when seeking knowledge and wisdom.

Rabbi Zidni Ilma in Arabic Text

The dua is written in Arabic as:

رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا

Rabbi Zidni Ilma Surah and Ayat Number

Rabbi Zidnii Ilma is indeed a supplication from the Quran. It can be found in Surah Taha, specifically in Ayah 114.

Rabbi Zidni Ilma Full Ayat

The full ayat is:

فَتَعَٰلَى ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡمَلِكُ ٱلۡحَقُّۗ وَلَا تَعۡجَلۡ بِٱلۡقُرۡءَانِ مِن قَبۡلِ أَن يُقۡضَىٰٓ إِلَيۡكَ وَحۡيُهُۥۖ وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدۡنِى عِلۡمًا

So high [above all] is Allāh, the Sovereign, the Truth. And, [O Muḥammad], do not hasten with [recitation of] the Qur’ān before its revelation is completed to you, and say, “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”

Rabbi Zidni Ilma How Many Times?

The phrase “Rabbi Zidnee Ilma” (رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا) appears once in the Quran, specifically in Surah Taha (Surah 20), verse 114.

You can recite this short supplication as much as you can in order to increase all sources of good knowledge.

It is proper that you should always ask to increase your knowledge. But, remember you should always have yaqeen (faith) in your Rabb.

Rabbi Zidni Ilm


Importance of seeking knowledge

Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajr al-Assqalani – Rahimullaah– said:

This is a clear proof of the Excellence of knowledge. This is because Allaah Ta’ala did not order the Messenger – sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- with request for increase in anything except for an increase in knowledge.’ [From: ‘Fath al-Bari’ 1/141]

“If Allah wants to favor someone, He grants him comprehension (understanding) of this religion.” [Sahih Bukhari vol.1 # 71, Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmad]

“It is only those who have knowledge amongst His slaves that fear Allah.” [Soorah Al-Fatir (35): 28]

“Seek knowledge, because seeking it for the sake of Allah is a worship. And knowing it makes you more God-fearing; and searching for it is jihad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh.

Through knowledge Allah will be known and worshipped. With the knowledge Allah will elevate people and make them leaders and imams, who will in turn guide other people.”

[Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya vol.10, p.39]

“Whoever treads on a path in search of Islamic knowledge, Allah will ease the way to Paradise for him. The angels will lower their wings, pleased with this seeker of knowledge, and everyone in the heavens and on earth will ask forgiveness for the knowledgeable person, even the fish in the deepest of waters will ask for his forgiveness”

[Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi # 2835-sahih hadith]

“He whom death overtakes while he is engaged in acquiring knowledge with a view to reviving Islam with the help of it, there will be one degree between him and the Prophets in Paradise .” [Al-Tirmidhi Hadith no. 249. Narrated by Al-Hasan al-Basri]

Knowledge is the foundation of everything. Sheikh ibn Uthaimeen said, there is no difference between a combatant who is sharpening the tip of his arrow and a student of knowledge who is extracting knowledge based issues from the books.

Each of them is striving in the cause of Allah, and to explain the Sharee’ah of Allah to His slaves.

Likewise, knowledge will benefit everyone, his contemporaries and the unborn generations will benefit from him.

Its possessor will benefit from it in his lifetime and after his death as stated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in authentic Hadith:

If a person dies, his action stops except from three (sources): continuous charity, knowledge that is benefit from and a righteous child who supplicates for him.”

The entire mankind is in need of knowledge; prophets and others are all in need of knowledge.

Seeking religious and worldly knowledge with a measure of being able to worship and carry out the command of Allah is obligatory for all believers who have reached puberty.

In Islam, knowledge is an important and vital aspect of your life.

There is no age limit for gaining knowledge about your religion and worldly knowledge, you can learn all your life and take knowledge of Islamic (deen) and the world (Dunya) which is highly recommended to share with others.

Allah SWT, through His Prophet, has encouraged us to seek and learn beneficial knowledge.

With this, there are many ayahs (verse) and hadith that are encouraging us to seek knowledge. One of them is this powerful Dua.

It is obvious that ilm (knowledge) is one of the biggest factors of a sound Muslim.

The Messengers are in need of knowledge and increment in it as well as asking Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, for it.

And those inferior to the Prophets are more in need (of asking Allah for increased knowledge). Therefore, it is proper for the servant to always ask Allah to increase him in knowledge.

However, while beseeching Allah for increased knowledge, you must seek after the means by which knowledge would be attained.

It is neither wise nor correct for him to implore Allah for increase in knowledge without taking to the means.

This is similar to the one who supplicates to Allah for a child without getting married. How will this child come to him?

Whenever you ask Allah for something, you must strive for the required means because Allah is the Wise, so He has linked the outcomes with their causes.

In this verse, “Say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge” is a proof of the excellence of knowledge.

Allah did not instruct His Prophet to ask him for increase in wealth; rather, He said to him, “And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge”.

There are many hadeeths that talked are about the virtues of knowledge and its praiseworthy effects.

Rabbi Zidni Ilm

Rabbi Zidni Ilma Benefits

The supplication “Rabbi Zidni Ilma” (My Lord, increase me in knowledge) holds several potential benefits, both spiritual and practical:

  1. Seeking Guidance: It reflects a sincere desire for increased knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, seeking guidance from Allah.
  2. Educational Advancement: Invoking this supplication may be associated with the pursuit of academic or practical knowledge, fostering continuous learning and intellectual growth.
  3. Spiritual Enlightenment: The supplication acknowledges the importance of spiritual enlightenment and awareness, seeking divine guidance in one’s journey towards understanding.
  4. Ease in Understanding: As seen in the context of Surah Taha, it includes a request for clarity in communication, asking for assistance in expressing oneself effectively.
  5. Personal Development: The supplication implies a commitment to personal development, recognizing that knowledge plays a crucial role in individual and collective progress.
  6. Humility: By asking Allah for an increase in knowledge, it reinforces a humble acknowledgment that true understanding and wisdom come from a higher source.
  7. Connection with Allah: Regularly reciting this supplication can foster a stronger connection with Allah, reminding believers of their dependence on divine guidance in various aspects of life.
  8. Dua for Others: It can be extended as a prayer not only for oneself but also for the benefit of others, promoting a collective wish for increased knowledge and understanding within the community.
  9. Stress Relief: Engaging in supplications, including “Rabbi Zidni Ilma,” can provide a sense of solace and stress relief, especially when facing challenges related to knowledge or decision-making.
  10. Encourages Lifelong Learning: The supplication encourages a mindset of lifelong learning, emphasizing that the quest for knowledge is continuous and should be sought throughout one’s life.

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